Saturday, February 13, 2010

Zoom Machines Competition


  1. Ryan Vittetoe and Leonardo Moncada

    we enjoyed the Zoom machine race thnx for letting us do it we hope to do it again

  2. this was funny to watch hey made theses out of random assortments of items you see everyday maybe
    my favorite part was Ovs part because after it rolled he crossed jumped

  3. The Zoom Machine activity was super fun! I had the most fun creating and testing our Zoom Machine, I hope we can do more activities like this! It was interesting to see how different everyone's was. Most everyone created a vehicle with CD wheels and an axle. It was really fun to see how different they all were and all the different results. There's so much we can do with just some empty cartons, old CDs, and other junk box materials!

  4. I liked all the zoomachines. I like doing activites like this because you have to be very cretive. Rachels, Jay's, and ryans zoom machine, I thoughtit was going to do really well, but it did a u turn. LOL! After seeing theirs, I didn't think av's zoom mchine wasn't going to go very far, but it did. It's really cool how like what Rachel said, you can be really creative just by making it out of cd's and other junk box materials. It was really fun and I had a good time.
