Monday, March 2, 2009

Virtual Knee Surgery

Try this activity out. Once you have, leave a comment under the post! Only students in my 6th grade science courses can post comments, and you may not post anonymously. Have fun!


  1. Hi 6th graders! I love this activity. Try it out for yourself! When you comment, tell me what you think of the game. Also, what is your opinion on a virtual experience like this versus a real-life experience? Have fun!

  2. it is interesting. i love the part where we use marker to draw on the knee.

  3. this game was really fun i've played before so i already knew what to do but i enjoyed playing it again!!!!!!

  4. Hi! Nenalilcutie769, I can't identify you unless you sign your name! :) Make sure to let me know who you are!

    Glad you had fun with the game!

  5. Brenda, nenalilcutie769, since your "post name" says nenalilcutie, just make sure you sign "from Brenda" when you leave a comment. This will help me to identify you! :) Thanks.

  6. That was cool! I thought that it was also kind of gross, ecen though it was virtual! : )
    -Jennifer Biederman, 6A

  7. This game was alot of fun I really enjoyed it!! I think this a great oppurtunities 2 see a virtuial lab some of it was kinda of gross!!! But so fun!!!
    -Jocelynn Aguilar,6C
    = ]

  8. I think this game was alot of fun!!! I think this is a great oppurtunity 2 see the inside of a actual surgery!! Some of it was kinda of gross but I really enjoyed it!!!
    -Jocelynn Aguilar,6C

  9. i thought it was really fun i enjoy the interactive its like your really doing the surgery its very fun

    aka Veronica 6c

  10. Wow that is cool i have had experience with surgery!!! I love playing this game it is fun!! : ) It is also very interesting!! I would rather do virtual then reality!! Gross!! LOL!! I cant wait to play it again!!! I even made my own blog about my favorite band since u have enspired me!!!!

    From Alyssa 6A

  11. it is jonathan
    this game awsome!!!!!!!

    i think i would pick virtual real blood no thank u

  12. Wow that was nasty. But kewl. It was nasty when i put the cement then at the end staple it. Ewww! But fun anyways. Thx Ms.Davis for this website. ******LUV IT!!!!!!******

    -Andrew Vizcarra 6B

  13. Hey everyone! I'm so glad you guys are using it! I just found a couple more great games. I am saving them for Monday though. Try out some of the other stuff on here. Even the articles are interesting! Jonathan and Andrew, I owe you blogger tickets!

  14. wow that was a gross but fun game!The surgery photos wer sick but funny! thnx for the game luv it! :)

  15. that game had its gross parts,but was fun overall!!!!!

    Paisley 6B

  16. that was interesting......
    it was pretty good and i liked it
    it was a little gross but thats ok
    -David 6B

  17. That game was pretty fun and interesting! It was also gross at the same time. haha. I'm following the blog now! :)

    Mira 6B

  18. I love this game. It is awsome. I was expecting it to be really grosse but, it isn't.

  19. i love this game. i have played this game like 7 times.

    -Natalie 6b

  20. oooooooooooooooooooo!!! This was really cool, but when o took a look at the pics it really grossed me out!!!!!

    Mir 6A
